Project Brief
Master Campus
Master Campus where only “The Best, in Class” teaches you. Achievers of their field share experiences with you. Start-up hired us to create a contemporary and strategic branding that can position the name and visuals in to target’s mind from the beginning.
  • Branding Strategy
  • Brand Identity
  • Brand Collateral
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The Learner, The Mentor & The Learning
Keeping the two target sides balanced- Learner and the Mentor in mind while creating the identity was a crucial part of our branding. Our identity combines all the aspects of business and imparts the idea that the portal is about online learning. Best part of the mnemonic is you can play with it keeping identity intact, so no more branding rules.

Master Campus

Master Campus

Visual Connections
A series of visuals strategically put together to create a recall about the logo. This creates a language the lasts long and audience connects with brand communications easily.

Master Campus

Master Campus

Master Campus

Master Campus

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