Project Brief
Branding is the soul of any product or service. We decided to take up the challenge and give some shape to Drucare’s ideologies, and to put it across to consumers online.
  • Identity Design
  • Comprehensive Brand Guide
  • Iconography
  • Outdoor and Prints
  • Brand Collaterals

Dru Care

Identity Guidelines
The grammar of identity is important, because if that falters, the brand image comes on the brink of collapsing, too. Never take the language of your product for granted.

Dru Care

Dru Care

Brand Guidelines & Elements
The language of a brand’s communication should always be lucid and transparent. Anything complicated does not make a mark in the viewer’s mind.

Dru Care

UI Guidelines
The User Interface cannot be a complicated one. It must facilitate a viewer to make it acceptable and popular. Simplicity is always a key.

Dru Care

Dru Care

Dru Care

UI Guidelines
Drafting a brochure should be done without any complication. The point the brand makes has to be clear through the content and the user interface too.

Dru Care

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